Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pitch Perfect Screening

Tonight (well, technically last night), I attended a screening and Q&A for Pitch Perfect hosted by the Los Angeles Film School and Grammy U.  I went in to the film with very little expectations.  I hadn't seen any trailers for the film, or heard too much buzz about it; however, I'm glad I went.  It was hilarious!  Rebel Wilson is an amazing actress and delivers a great comedic performance as Fat Amy.  I walked into the theater knowing that it was a movie about music and a capella groups but expected it to be just a theatrical version of Glee.  Not that I'm knocking Glee...I just get turned off when the entertainment industry latches on to an idea or concept and seemingly milks it to death. So, the thought of a movie adaptation of the wildly popular show wasn't exciting.  But I found myself laughing out loud throughout the entire film.  Plus, the film is set on a college campus and speaks to the theme of new beginnings and the pursuit of your maybe it was just speaking to me a little bit. Lol.  But nonetheless...I had a great time and would highly recommend it.

Select theaters September 28th
Everywhere October 5th
*poster image copyright of Universal Studios

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Three Weeks In

So, today makes three weeks back in LA.  In some regards, it feels like I never left.  I'm living back in the dorms, working back at American Eagle, and now in my second week of classes.  Although I've almost seamlessly picked right back up where I left off, there are subtle reminders of my nine month absence.  It's sort of strange and mildly painful to know that some of the friends I made that started the program with me back in May 2011 have either already graduated or will be graduating within the next couple of months.  I know that everything happens for a reason and I also know that my time away was much needed.  I'm not the same person I was when I arrived in LA the first time around.  However, I feel like I'm always going through periods in my life where I've sort of stalled out.  Like there are these gaps of time between major events and moves in my life where I feel like I have nothing to show.  In these periods, I know that personal and emotional growth have occurred, but sometimes it's hard to keep looking around at the success of others while feeling like the accomplishments in my life are few and far between.  I suppose it has just been one of those days.  LA has always had a way of bringing out the best and worst feelings I hold inside.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dear Future Self (Never Forget)

Dear Future Self,
I’m so proud to know that you have made our dreams a reality.  Lord knows, life hasn’t always been easy, but we know full well that it has all been worth it.  I know you still have your challenging days, but it’s amazing to think of just how strong you have become.  I’m proud of you.  I know it might be tempting to get caught up and swept away in all that your life has become, but I need you to never forget all that you have been through.  After all, it has been the trials and struggles that have made you who you are.  Never forget the moment you decided to move back to LA to chase your dreams because you wanted more out of life.  Correction, you NEEDED more out of life.  Never forget how hard it was to be so far away from family and friends.  We always knew it was necessary to create an extraordinary life with enough overflow for everyone.  Never forget God’s grace, favor, and mercy in making paths out of roads that seemed impossible to travel.  Never forget the pain you felt tearing your heart away from the one person you loved more than life.  Even then, I knew that God was preparing you for the timeless love you always envisioned.  Never forget the nights you slept in your car, the days you showered at the gym, and worked for less than you deserved all because you trusted in the promises God held for your life.  Never forget the drive and ambition that sustained you when food was scarce.  If no one else has told you lately, know that I love you and think about you often.  Continue to put God first and trust that everything comes to make us stronger.  Never forget the amazing spirit you have always been and always will be.  Take care of yourself.

Always You,

Activity in Self-Empowerment

It is important that we keep ourselves inspired and motivated to reach our dreams.  At some point, we must all look within ourselves for encouragement and empowerment.  Today, I want you to spend some time thinking of the person you see yourself being five years from now and the life you will be living.  Think long and hard about your future self.  Now, think even harder about who you are today, the struggles you are currently facing, and what it is about your current self that you don't want the future you to forget.  Write a letter to your future self acknowledging the goals you have reached and the person you have become but firmly expressing what it is that cannot be forgotten about who you are and what you are going through now.  We are all strong enough to build the life we want.  We must stay encouraged and know that we are moving towards that life.  However, it is also important to recognize the beauty of where we are in the process and know that all things happen to move us closer to the mark, even when it feels like we are slipping further away.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Letting Go and Moving Forward

Tonight is the last night of the Master Cleanse.  Yet again, it has proven to be an emotional process.  Although I don't eat a lot, I've realized that I can be an emotional eater at times.  I chose to do this cleanse at, seemingly, the best/worst time when some things have come o a head regarding my relationships.  I realized that I've been pouring out my heart in vain to someone who, at this time, is incapable of loving me the way I deserve to be loved.  In the beginning of my cleanse I asked God to help me not only remove the toxins from my body, but to also help me remove the toxins I harbor mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Now that He has initiated the purging process, it is up to me to follow through and let some things and people go.  I truly believe that love is worth fighting for; however, at the point in which someone no longer wants to be fought for...then we must all learn to let go.  Clearly, it's time to move forward and give thanks for all the things that God has allowed and also NOT allowed to happen in our lives.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Official Start Of The Master Cleanse

Today was day one of the Master Cleanse. One down...nine more to go.  Here's a link to my video for more info.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Time for Another Cleanse

So...I've decided to do the Master Cleanse again.  I completed it for the first time in December 2011 and now I think I'm ready to do it again.  I will definitely be posting more about it, but for those that want to join in and follow along, here is the shopping list:

-30 large organic lemons, 60 organic limes or small organic lemons, or a combination.  (I bought them all at once last time and I've decided to buy 10 lemons and 10 limes at a time this go around.)

-64 fluid ounces of organic GRADE B maple syrup.  (It hast to be Grade B or at least the darkest maple syrup you can find so that you get all the nutrients.)

-4 ounces of sea salt that does NOT say "iodized" or "iodine added"

-about half an ounce of cayenne pepper powder. (I don't know where you'll find just a half an ounce so I had to buy 4 ounces of it.)

-a box of herbal laxative tea bags. (You will need at least 10 tea bags.)

-at least 8 gallons of spring, purified or spring water.  (I purchased 8 gallons worth of bottled water so that I could drink 2 bottles for the saltwater flush and 6 bottles a day for the lemonade mix.  If you plan to drink more than 6 bottles of lemonade mix a day then you will need to purchase a greater amount of water.)

-a bottle of probiotics for you to take after you begin eating solid foods again.

I will be officially starting my cleanse the night of Tuesday, June 12, 2012 with the laxative tea and begin the routine of the Master Cleanse Wednesday, June 13, 2012.  Hope to have you on board along this process.

Take care,